That is a big deal in Oregon! The flowers are now blooming and the butterflies are doing their flutter by in the yard. It was a cold winter this year in the Cascade Foothills but we made it. Spending that time working on rocks and new silver pieces for the spring and summer shows.

We have picked up some new rocks and also hit up some great rock shows in Oregon and we now have some great new stones to work with. Alan is excited to try out the new stuff. We have been trying to do more of the Gresham Farmers Market this year and we will also be at the Gresham Arts Festival on July 15th. The weekend after that, we will be at the Estacada Summer Celebration on July 22nd.

Planting flowers and planting garden take up a bit of time as well if we can beat the slugs to it but worth it if we do :) We are looking forward to 4th of July and what new adventures and new people we will meet in the next few weeks.